11.Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. (AA)

11) Having sought the only being, the perfection of love, harmony and beauty, through study, prayer, purification, initiation, meditation and other spiritual practices and having had our hearts opened to hear the voice that constantly calls from within, we pray only for an ever increasing understanding and knowledge of the purpose and will of God in our lives and the power and courage and mastery to accomplish our task which is the fulfillment of our life's purpose. (MIR)

What we learn through spiritual knowledge is to gain mastery, to learn what consequences our actions will bring. A man cannot be perfect in this knowledge; all souls have their limitations;  but it is something to strive after, and in this is the fulfillment of God's purpose. Even this knowledge alone does not make man capable; practice is necessary, and practice may take a whole life. Every day man seems to make more mistakes; this is not really so, but his sight becomes more keen. THE SOUL WHENCE AND WHITHER - MANIFESTATION - HAZRAT INAYAT KHAN


The Interdependence of Life Within and Without  Hazrat Inayat Khan Vol. 6
The Intoxication of Life (1)  Hazrat Inayat Khan Vol. 6
The Intoxication of Life (2)  Hazrat Inayat Khan Vol. 6