Vol. 2, Issue 3, 1995 

A Journal for the International Community of Cherags 

Multifaith Resources

Beloved Ones of God, Greetings everyone!  

...Regarding a calendar of holidays, there is a beautiful calendar designed by the Multifaith Action Society out of Vancouver, B.C. It contains holidays and festivals from 12 religious traditions as well as beautiful art work for each month. 1995's theme was "The United Nations." 1996's calendar carries the theme of "The Spirit of Gratitude." It is available from Multifaith Resources in Wofford Heights, CA. I found out about the calendar in the Heart and Wings newsletter. It cost $10.95. Hamid, this may be a good resource for your calendar project.  

Multifaith Resources is a great center for interfaith information. I have two resource manuals from them. The first is called A SOURCE BOOK FOR EARTH'S COMMUNITY OF RELIGIONS. This is an incredible compilation of information. I'll give you a synopsis of the contents:  

PART 1: Who are We? Portraits and texts of religions, indigenous beliefs, spiritual evolution, and humanism.  

PART 2: Becoming Community. Legacies of the World Parliament of Religions; toward a global ethic; a United Religions? interfaith dialogue; facing violence and other evils.  

PART 3: Beyond Borders. Religions and spiritual traditions and: world order, UN 50, environment, human rights, hunger, population, and a culture of peace.  

PART 4: Choosing Our Future. Listening to voices of children, women, scientists, and indigenous and dispossessed peoples; what shall we do?  

PART 5: Resource Guides. Organization; print, audio and video; religiouseducation; a global brain.  

EPILOGUE: Reflections, scriptures and prayers.  

INDEXES: Subjects, authors, titles, and organizations.  

The cost is a gracious gift at approximately $22. It is copyright by the 1993 Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions.  
